July was a busy month, but fun. One weekend we went hiking at the Craigs the kids did pretty well the Kelty carrier was a life saver.

Then we went up Pikes Peak one Afternoon. The drive was very pretty and I was happy Neil was driving. They have great donuts, can't wait to go get some more.

My Brother got married July 23rd in Minnesota so the kids and I went back a week early and Neil drove back and met up with us later in the trip. The wedding was beautiful and weather was perfect.

Keenan took swimming lessons he loved it. He did great. He passed his first session and got to go to the next level, but the next level is pretty hard. They want them to be able to do a breast stroke put the whole combination of moving hands and kicking and putting face in the water at the same time. Keenan is going to have to practice that some, but he had a blast.
I will be posting some August Happenings later in the month.
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