Monday, May 01, 2006


That was the story all weekend. Saturday we decided if you can't beat it join it. So we suited up and embraced the wet! Actually it wasn't that bad it was wet but not too cold. We rode for about an hour doing some intervals to stay warm. We figured we were going to be plenty wet on Sunday at the Rockcut race we might as well get used to it.
When we got home we quickly through the cloths in the wash and hoped they would be dry in the morning. I was pondering what tires I was going to run. Would the CrossMarks have enough grip, should I switch to the ever trustworthy MiMo's, or go all the way to the Medusa? Then Christina called with news that the race was off! I guess a few years ago they had a muddy race and the city freaked when the trails gut tore up.
Sunday instead of racing I hooked up with Cory. I was testing a new hub configuration for work and needed to get some wet riding in...perfect it was raining sideways! Again it wasn't cold just wet. We pounded on eachother for about an hour into the driving wind. When we had enough of that we turned back toward home and talked about building 'cross bikes.
Looks like we are in for some more rain today, at least it is in the 50's. That doesn't seem warm but when you ride all winter and all the wet spray freezes making everything but your knees a block of ice it doesn't seem so bad!
We are gearing up for the first WORS race this weekend, hopefully the weather will make a turn for the better.

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