Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Baby Pictures

Yep that is right we have baby pictures!!
On Sunday morning at 1am Cathy got up to use the bathroom and came back to bed with some cramping, then all of the sudden they went away - hmmmmm. We stayed up and thought we would time them just in case it was a contraction. Sure enough it happened again, about 17 minutes later. After that we started timing them and they got really close FAST - 17 minutes, 15, 10, 7, and then 5. At this point we realized this was the real deal. We got up loaded the car and got ready to go. The contractions slowed to 6-7 minutes so we put in a movie to kill some time. When that got over Cathy was starting to hurt so we decided to just head in and see what they had to say. At 5am the main doors weren't open yet so we headed to the ER.

They checked us in, took us to Triage, and checked out Cathy to see how far dilated she was...only 3cm! She was really bumming because the contractions were constantly 4-5 minutes. We sat in there for about 1.5 hours to see how things progressed at about 7am her water broke so the nurse told us we weren't going home at this point and got a room ready. Cathy was doubling over in pain with each contraction at this point and was getting them ever 2-3 minutes. At 8:30am we got into the room and the doctor got an Epidural started. After that he pain subsided enough that Cathy was able to get a little rest.

A couple hours pass and family starts to arrive, they stopped in to say good luck and then congregated in the waiting room. At 2:30pm Cathy was set and ready to push. Things started happening fast at this point, doctors were coming and going and pulling in equipment as the baby was getting close. Finally a head, a couple pushes later the shoulder and arms, then with a good push from Cathy and a pull from the doctor and at 3:30pm Keenan C Swanson was born!!

He is bigger than we were expecting at 8lbs 4oz and coming it at 19.5" long. He has a full head of hair already and I am afraid he has my hairline...I was afraid that was going to happen.

We stayed in the hospital for a couple days and then today at around noon they let us take him home. He is super cute although that could be just the sleep deprived me talking. Cathy is off work for 12 weeks and I am taking this week off and will probably only work half days at best next week.

Well Keenan is sleeping right now so I am going to close my eyes for a bit as well while I can.
Thanks to everyone for all the support and encouragement you have given us, we can't wait to show him off to all of you.


Unknown said...

Congrats to mom and dad! You have a beautiful little guy there. Enjoy him - they grow up really fast. (My 8-5 baby boy will be 18 in 2 months....)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! It's so exciting, can't wait to meet Keenan. Have a great Thanskgiving with the new addition to the family.

onefastrph said...


Sarah Lukas said...

I am so happy for you guys! Good to know he is healthy and will have an awesome hair line!! Kathy looks great too! Congratulations and I expect plenty of baby updates now.

Unknown said...

Congrats to you both!

Burrito Eater said...

So cute! Congratulations! We'll have to stop by soon to check him out!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to both of you.

Steve Burri said...

Congratulations, Neil and Cathy. Have you gotten Keenan a bike yet?

Big Dale said...

Congrats you two from all of us. Brian Shannon Dakota

Anonymous said...

Congrats. good to see your wearing the world's shirt Neil!