Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Activity Swings

I have seem to have these activity swings. First there is nothing to write about because I splintered my leg and I just had to sit on the couch and watch it heal. Then a million things happend and I don't get a chance to even breath...I wonder how my leg is doing, I haven't had a chance to check on it in a while....yep still there.
Anyway, the foot is feeling a ton better, I have started incorporating rides back into the workout as recovery days. I can't unclip but no biggie when riding the trainer.
In other news, I started a new job this week at Saris Cycling Group. I have been really busy as I hit the ground running so trying to keep from getting behind already. In all though it should be a pretty sweet job, they are a good group and really try to get a lot done, but don't skimp just to produce product. That is fine line and from what I see it looks lieke they really try hard not to fall off it.
I have been putting in a lot of time at the pool and last night did a timed swim with the Masters Swim Group. Last night they did a timed mile, 36 laps. I was shooting for 32 minutes, and ended up with 33:04. I think I lost count and did one or two extra laps though. Either way I was right in the time I was shooting for so that was good. Swimming has been a great cross training but I am really anxious to get back on the bike.

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