Monday, December 12, 2005

Biking or Skiing....I can't decide

This weekend didn't turn out as nice as originally planned. I changed my schedule around so that I could get my 3 hour ride in on Saturday because it was supposed to be 30 degrees. Well after getting some house work done and my car sold. I was off to my ride/ski. I loaded the NRS and a pair of skinny skis out to Rockport. As I was driving over it started to snow...hard. I started with the skis. I have never done this before so it took some time to get the hang of things, but before too long I was moving right along. About 30 minutes in I was pretty proud of myself and figured it was time for some down hill. Problem is these skis don't turns as good as alpine skis. I went shooting down one hill that curved to the right, needless to say I didn't "curve" I was headed right toward a couple large trees guarded by a row of thorn bushes! I ate snow in a last ditch effort to stop. After some more time I did figure out how to turn and after a little over an hour it was feeling good.
I got back to the truck and unloaded the bike. I headed across town to Cory's place to pick up my booties. It was a fun ride, sliding on the snow. I got a lot of weird looks, but really I get the same thing riding on a 70 degree day in the spring. I guess people just don't understand how good it feels to get out and exercise. Anyway I got in 1.5 hours on the bike and then jumped back on the skis for a 30 minute warm up then cool down.
In all it was a good workout. When I got home I managed to get sick off of an overdose of cookies....I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!!!!

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