Friday, September 30, 2005

Nothing much

Yeah that is what my week has consisted of. Did the Tuesday ride on the Jamis again. For the most part it was pretty calm. Nobody really feels like going hard this time of year. Wednesday it rained all day and night. Thursday, we took the dog to the park to run around. We seen Janet S. out going really easy. She said that she seen a turkey up the trail and it wouldn't get off the trail, it just ran in front of her. When we got to that section I heard all this commotion then this turkey slowly flying off. The dog apparently found the turkey and most have been posing a bigger threat to it than Janet was. Funny thing is that the turkey still out ran her, that dog has yet to catch something!
Tonight I need to finish putting the NRS back together. I ended up stripping it completely down and replaced more things than I was hoping for. Brakes, rotors, crank bearings, and wires all needed to get tossed. I ended up tearing the X.0 derailuer apart to get every part of it clean, after lubing it and getting it together, it feels oh-so-good.
Fall color is this weekend, looks like I am going to have to throw down in the 30 miler, Cory is feeling pretty good wanting a shot at me. I think he just wants to know how he stacks up, so he can up his training over the winter. **shhhh** Maybe I will just suck it up, and give him a false sense of training, then just woop on him next year!!

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